We are, Women Empowering Women. We are all about, Manifesting, Empowering each other, celebrating life, awakening and creating our best life. Using meditation, affirmations, EFT, and other holistic and transformational practices. You are going to love it here. Each month, we’ll focus on a different life-changing topic, providing; tips and strategies to help you grow, improve your mindset, and manifest the destiny you want.
Group Rules
✨ INTRODUCE YOURSELF ✨ Please take the time to introduce yourself as a comment on this post and tell us what you do and where you’re from! ✨ GUIDELINES ✨ Here is a few tips to help you Manifest the most of our group; 1. PARTICIPATION!!! Have fun, share, be inspiring, express kindness and give. Givers always gain!! Share some inspiration and motivational memes!! Comment on are daily post!! We have daily questions, that I designed to help you improve your vibe and outlook for the day. We have new stuff daily…so show up and participate often!! 2. CONNECTED!!! Go to notifications and select follow ALL posts so you don’t miss out on any content and opportunities. (Check out the units area where you’ll find some great videos and other resources to help you.) 3. RULES!!! Head over to read the group description for detailed group rules. It’s very simple. Be kind, NO PROMOTING (unless you get permission from me first)! Please note, if I let one person do it, then I have to let everyone, and that change the vibe of the group and we don’t want that!!! So thanks for understanding. 4. GROW!!!! Finally help us grow, hit the share button and share this group with your female friends. Every female needs a fabulous tribe of female friends to inspire and motivate them so when you invite your friends you are helping them and helping us raise the positive vibes of our group. Ever been to a concert or a sporting event? There is a powerful energy in numbers! It happens when likeminded people come together. We all benefit from that powerful energy. We get back what we put into something. So if you want to raise your vibration and help others it’s as simple as inviting others to our inspiring and manifesting mindset party. PLEASE: If you break these rules, you may be kicked out of the group without warning! Thank you for being a part of this community. Who are WE? Jenn Goddard, your host, It is my honor to welcome you into our group. I am a transformational life coach/ Eft expert, motivational speaker and soon to be author of a fabulous book, designed to help inspire and change the lives of today’s forward thinking women. I have the privilege of helping coaching people in private practice for over 12 years, get unstuck and manifesting their best lives